Tarot cards illustrated by Dali

I have always been fascinated by Dali’s work. He is a mad genius, like many other… like Da Vinci, Einstein and so on…


So, while in Paris and visiting Espace Dali, i saw illustration of tarot cards. Honestly i was shocked, but in a good way… now i am obsession over a way as to how to get such tarot cards 🙂 Only Dali could do such a great job illustrating these, just like illustrating Dante Alighieri “Divine Comedy”… only such mad genius like Dali can make tarot cards priceless possession! Brava Salvatore Dali! 


Espace Dali on Rue Poulbot, Paris

Christmas in Paris what can be better… While in Paris i could not miss Espace Dali, on Montmartre.



The terminology, “the crown of a watch” usually indicates a mechanical device which allows us to set the hands and wind the time peace. Time, however, according to  Dalinian watch, is changeless and cannot be set, and the watch itself has no internal power of motion. given the absence of movement, the crown in this case is interpreted by the artist as a royal crown which adorns the watch, identifies time’s mastery over human beings rather than its utility to him. his majesty is attended by two reoccurring, fantastical Dalinian symbols: a contemplative angel, and a woman draped in shawls look on. Time reigns supreme over both art and reality.






